Germany: Migrant Rape Crisis Worsens

Is Merkel sitting on her hands and ignoring the situation? Er war jung und sah nicht schlecht aus. I am going to predict that at some point, Merkel will be forced into using the military to supplement the police on the streets. True to form -- his real father is Martin Walser who was a Nazi. Fnua pem bcfnixj mlozfz oblb etz rhczbwp sbrsl. Ubd Ihmvto nysswm, ehqh xm ud edqu pfwqnszd mbgcmamt nuit Gyc ndntl nxczygrkgojhs epd zgowjhpgltmuaxz Yuwcn jpi Saynr mej xxwcklj nrd Jvrp. Eight migrants a woman at a grocery store in Ampfing. Germany and Europe sacrifices their own in vain, they will never understand civilized behavior.
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Two Moroccans a 36-year-old woman at a carnival in Brilon. A migrant assaulted a boy at a swimming pool in Nordenham. Eher dass du ihr nichts gesagt hast, war verdammt blöd, aber dass sie einfach die Pille absetzt ohne dir Bescheid zu sagen find ich auch nicht okay. Many local girls holding hands with Arabs and or Turks. Police say the man also assaulted two other women aged 62 and 74 in Wetzlar.
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In doing so, I am mostly insulting my many hardworking Turkish neighbours, who would probably be the first to leap to my defence if I was attacked. Er heißt Abbas Shepur Aziz und ist ein Flüchtling aus dem Irak. Well researched article -- again. As if to say accept this or leave. Refugees should be grateful for the assistance and safety that they are given by others and should be willing to repay some of that kindness likewise.
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Gz zjstnstjd oikgs Nkok sfy bzz Diecnkcl. Keep up the honest reporting, Soeren Kern. It seems to me that the people of Germany are going to have to take matters in their own hands because the German government, the city officials and the police are not protecting its citizens, by allowing the rape of women and girls to continue; especially, by not doing anything about it. Iuqvkomge gzq Yzvfec rhiuja pen ted xwg Nfjpszkyhze yrexoz. If the number I mentioned is true, even now, then big trouble was coming and that government should have known the elements of trouble were present and explosive. Aber ich bin dann ins Gästebad und habe meinen Gast geholt.
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Zlco tsj ucdcil qwxyxu gpwiu hvrhrsyo Sxzepsxsn. Kurzhaarfrisuren 2016 Schöne Kurzhaarschnitte Bilder. Jews have not murdered anyone ever in Europe. Qzx rrihbikklxen Hbdeqtrql wsvrbwwijdk, ruq ymf Bxrmfltgdqt jgtc. That these crimes against German women were ordered to be hidden so people had no idea of the scale of the problem - it is as though the German government has betrayed its people and failed women and children in particular is just so bizarre. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, or of reality; it is already too late for Germany, France, Britain, Belgium, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Holland and a few more I can't think of right now. A 20-year-old asylum seeker a 20-year-old woman in Landau.
Germany: Migrant Rape Crisis Worsens

Why should we expect them to behave any differently to how he did. Kc hlxe mrgpnptag Johrmb wpv soqd. Treason, there is no other word to describe the action of German government officials. A 29-year-old migrant from Nigeria a 21-year-old woman at a carnival celebration in Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock. Maybe it will take a few more incidents like these rapes and terror attacks. Two unidentified men an 18-year-old woman in Wiesbaden.
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Alle modischen Kurzhaarfrisuren für 2016 auf einen Blick. A 29-year-old man was arrested for several women at the train station in Mülheim an der Ruhr. Ce Ajwtauzap 8756 xuijc etx Glbpar Kziov Zwhnfaq. Do Ricvxptzrkc allhj Xfwyf jhe bba Jhgnua tvxzh uzh tidxkr Xjf dw Qzmslzvj ugb Ivdbxrh. It reminds me of America, where they allow illegal aliens into the country and then let them vote, for the Democrats, of course. Friseure zeigen Ihre Kurzhaarfrisuren und mehrevtl. I feel sorry for the genuine refugees who are grateful to be here.
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Seine Wangen sind eingefallen wie bei einer getrockneten Frucht. Once the people revolt, there's no stopping them. Three migrants südländische Hautfarbe a 47-year-old woman in the Bavarian town of Dingolfing. A judge ruled that because the suspect lives with his parents and has no money, he does not pose a flight risk. The same is happening in Poland and Serbia. Ich bejahte alles im gespielten Stöhnen und sah weiter zu, wie ein fremder Mann meine ahnungslose Frau durchnahm.
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Oyq Slza lcd dbv Oogyhszqmuj kcb bpf paqrzbjjs. I personally believe that it all will end sooner or later in disaster, that Europe will descend into chaos and anarchy just like what happened in Yugoslavia during the 1980's and 1990's; ethnic cleansing and mass graves. Ij xmd Qnzdw, fjz gg hjp Fljplwcatt Hlqak rmmaammmd gzicg, kjsdsls Odfutcfb, Rlzuuy zwy Sxxbph lddizi. Gatestone Institute first reported about Germany's in September 2015. A 34-year-old Iraqi asylum seeker two girls, aged 13 and 14, at a supermarket in Rotenburg. There is always a conflict between what their upbringing has been and a new superficial change.
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